Chapter VII. Research activity and academic collaboration

  • Art. 148. Within the PTI there is an ample research activity in various domains of theology according to the Regulation concerning the organisation, functioning and financing of scientific research and regulated by the research programme, which correlates the various specialty domains, defining on the short and medium scale the major objectives of scientific research.
  • Art. 149. The research activity is coordinated by the PTI Research Centre, which is aided by the following libraries and archives:
    • a) the PTI’s own Library;
    • b) the „Bethlen Gábor” Documentary Library of Aiud;
    • c) the Archives of the Transylvanian Reformed District;
    • d) the Library and Archives of the Unitarian Church;
    • e) the Archives of the Lutheran Church in Romania.
  • Art. 150. Research is a basic obligation of every teacher. The PTI stimulates the participation in national and international research programmes. The scientific research concentrates within the PTI Research Centre. The leadership of the Institute encourages the participation of students in scientific research.
  • Art. 151. The PTI applies evaluation criteria of scientific research. In the evaluation of individual achievements the national and international publications are considered, including published books, one’s presence at internal and international scientific manifestations, the roles played in organising research activities.
  • Art. 152. The positions in educational hierarchy are conditioned by scientific performances, concretised in relevant published works. The teaching and research staff members who have exceptional research results are supported by adequate financial policies to carry out and develop their research programmes.
  • Art. 153. The research management is assured by the Faculty Council, which promotes scientific cooperation with the theological faculties in the country and abroad, with the aim to achieve professional performances and prepare the students in the domain of research. Students who obtain good results in research are supported to obtain national and international scholarships.
  • Art. 154. In order to coordinate and assure the quality of research work within the PTI, at the proposal of the Faculty Council, the Senate validates the members of Scientific Research Council.
  • Art. 155. The Scientific Research Council is a consulting organ, constituted according to the Charta, for the duration of the Senate’s mandate, according to the laws in force. Its primary task is to direct the activity of scientific research within the PTI towards the fulfilment of the strategic plan and to watch over the improvement of research process.
  • Art. 156. The Scientific Research Council elaborates its own Regulation of organisation and functioning; evinces and evaluates the research activities of teaching and research staff, of doctoral researchers, masters and undergraduate students.
  • Art. 157. The research strategy is approved by the Senate at the proposal of the Faculty Council.
  • Art. 158. The scientific research is linked in terms of organisation, thematic and result completion to the international system. Agreements of international scientific collaboration can be signed at institutional level. The results are shared with the academic community. The members of the PTI’s academic community can propose individual research projects for the specialised institutions within the country and abroad.
  • Art. 159. The forms of research interactions in the national and international systems are various:
    • a) own university programmes;
    • b) collective and individual grants from specialised national and international organisations;
    • c) common research activities in centres with multiple users or in programmes financed by various national and international institutions or organisations, including the Supporting Churches of the PTI;
    • d) inter-university, interregional, interconfessional, interreligious collaborations on specific issues or having multidisciplinary profiles;
    • e) various contracts with special forums within the country and abroad.
  • Art. 160. The academic community can engage itself in national and international scientific competitions as well as in the elaboration and publication of relevant scientific works. The academic community is continuously engaged in theological manifestations, the organisation of conferences and symposia, and in research-promoting contracts. These activities are concretised in publications and volumes edited by the PTI.
  • Art. 161. The Faculty Council, aided by the Scientific Research Council and the Committee for Quality Assurance evaluates annually the results of research as well as the publications of academic community members. The record of this evaluation is included in the Rector’s annual report.
  • Art. 162. The organisation of research is detailed in the regulation concerning the organisation, functioning and financing of scientific research as well as in the Statute of the PTI Research Centre.
  • Art. 163. In view of some fundamental and applicative research programmes and/or of elevating the level of the qualification of its undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as of its alumni, the PTI can establish contracts with public institutions and other economic operators at the proposal of the Scientific Research Council and of the Faculty Council, approved by the Senate.
  • Art. 164. In order to promote the definitive values of European Higher Education and of scientific research as well as to fulfil its mission, the PTI develops partnerships at national, European and global levels.
  • Art. 165. In fulfilling its mission, the PTI can associate itself with other HE institutions and other organisations in the conditions proposed by the Administrative Council and approved by the Senate.
  • Art. 166. The various partnerships shall promote the definitive values, mission and objectives of the PTI. The concretisation of this process presupposes:
    • a) development of relationships of collaboration with the most prestigious universities on national and international levels;
    • b) participation in consortium structures, which promote study programmes and research projects compatible with the ones offered by the PTI;
    • c) supporting academic community members in their efficient implication in activities carried out by consecrated professional and scientific associations on national and international levels;
    • d) consolidation of partnerships with representative structures, including those belonging to the economic, social and institutional areas;
    • e) promotion of collaborative actions with economic and social organisations which support specific projects proposed by the members of the academic community.
  • Art. 167. In order to increase teaching and research performances PTI can establish, according to the law, either alone or by association, foundations, trusts or associations with the Senate’s approval. Furthermore, the PTI can establish consortia with other HE institutions as well as with research and development institutions based on partnership contracts, according to the law in force.