Old Testament

In studies on the composition of prophetic literature, the larger textual layers reinterpreting earlier texts, the so-called Fortschreibungen, received much attention. It is well-known that beside these larger literary elaborations prophetic books also contain shorter explanatory interpolations, often called glosses, which intend to clarify a particular imagery of the prophecy (e.g., Isa 9:14). A systematic reading of these short annotations has been neglected, however, in studying the formation of prophetic books. The present article reconsiders the Isaiah-Memoir from this perspective.

This volume contains studies presented at a conference devoted to the theology of Walter Brueggemann, organised in the Protestant Theological Institute.

Prin această disciplină studenții fac cunoștință: a) cu istoria perioadei intertestamentare cu schimbările survenite în acest timp pe plan social, economic, politic și religios, b) cu literatura acestei perioade c) și cu mișcările de spiritualitate evreești.


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