Ézsaiás könyve

Recent studies on the history of composition of the Book of Isaiah generally recognise the secondary character of Isa 10:16-19 in relation to the prophecy against Assyria. It is generally presupposed that these verses elaborate on the famous anti-Assyrian pericope, Isa 10:5-15. Verses 16-19 are most often dated to the seventh century when the book of Isaiah was subject to a major re-edition, the so-called Assyrian redaction, or - more rarely - to the exilic period when the entire book underwent another process of re-reading. Deriving vv. 16-19 from either the late Neo-Assyrian or the Babylonian era involves, however, several difficulties and needs to be reconsidered. While accepting the secondary character of Isa 10:16-19 on its current location, this study proposes a different interpretation and date for this text and assigns it a basically different role in the compositional process of the prophecies in its context than it has so far been proposed.

It is well-known that the book of Isaiah contains clarifying interpolations. Shorter phrases or even entire verses with problematic readings are of-ten identified by exegetes as loose “glosses”. However, this study suggests that editorial interpolations are not merely unrelated annotations from various periods. Typical explicatory phrases from Isa 8:2, 8:6-7a and 8:23b analysed in this study tend to expose recognisable patterns, a coherent scope and a common hermeneutical principle.

The origins of the Book of Isaiah go back to the 8th century B.C., being one of the ancient books of the Old Testament. It is well-known, however, that the book was composed during several centuries. The purpose of this project is to examine this long compositional history of the book of Isaiah from its beginnings up to the moment that it has come to be included into the Old Testament canon.

Az Ószövetségi exegézis I kurzus célja az, hogy konkrét példák által bemutassa az ószövetségi szövegelemzés folyamatát, rávilágítson a bibliai szövegek értelmezésének problémáira, és segítsen abban, hogy a hallgató megtanuljon kritikusan viszonyulni egy konkrét szöveghez és annak értelmezéseihez. A kurzus ugyanakkor lehetővé teszi egy konkrét bibliai perikópa mélyebb megértését is (Ézsaiás 6:1-9:6).


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