Leviticus / Wayyikra: Instructions for Holy Living. The Priestly Legacy. Cult and Sacrifice, Purity and Holiness

The lecture starts with an outline of the structure of the book and then elaborates the various difficulties that one might encounter in the process of reading it. Aspects of visualization, significance and interpretation are also being addressed. This is followed by a comprehensive presentation of the four major building blocks of this book, specifically laws on sacrifice (1,1-7,38), institution of the priesthood (8,1-10,20), uncleanness and its treatment (11,1-16,34) and prescriptions for practical holiness (17,1-27,34). The lecture also deals with the issue of the New Testament’s use of Leviticus/Wayyikra. Further topics to be discussed include: making sense of sacrifice, clean and unclean and cleanness rules.