Liturgy I

The aim in the first semester is to clarify the problems of Liturgical History and to answer theoretical questions about liturgy itself. In this way the students will be able to have a look at the first Christian services and liturgy, get a hint about the liturgies used by Christian denominations, they will learn what new things the Reformation brought about in church services and must have to correctly every Reformed liturgy form.


Specific competences

The students will be able to be at home in every service situation and will distinct the different liturgy forms. From the learned topics about the History of Liturgy they can draw conclusions about the contemporary forms of the liturgy. They can distinguish the Liturgies of the different Christian denominations. They can organize alone the liturgy of any service in the church based on the mastered topics.

General competences

The students will know their way about the existing Christian and non-Christian denominations and religions. They acquire the proper behavior and confessional thinking, they will fit in smoothly in the European and Christian culture by their learning.

Course structure

  1. History of Liturgy - Antiquity


    • Zsolt Kozma: Liturgika, 15-18 (4)
    • Hafenscher Károly: Liturgika. A keresztény istentisztelet protestáns megközelítésben, ökumenikus szellemben, 139-166 (28)
  2. History of Liturgy - Medieval and Modern Times


    • Zsolt Kozma: Liturgika, 19-27 (9)
    • Hafenscher Károly: Liturgika. A keresztény istentisztelet protestáns megközelítésben, ökumenikus szellemben, 166-200 (35)
  3. History of Liturgy - Present times


    • Zsolt Kozma: Liturgika, 28-32 (5)
    • Hafenscher Károly: Liturgika. A keresztény istentisztelet protestáns megközelítésben, ökumenikus szellemben, 200-205 (6) 225-235 (11)
  4. Presenting the modern liturgy I


    • Zsolt Kozma: Liturgika, 33-38 (6)
  5. Presenting the Modern Liturgy II


    • Zsolt Kozma: Liturgika, 40-59 (20)
  6. The External Conditions of the Liturgy I


    • Zsolt Kozma: Liturgika, 60-62 (3)
  7. The External Conditions of the Liturgy II


    • Zsolt Kozma: Liturgika, 38-40 (3)
  8. The Concept of the Liturgist on the Liturgy I


    • Hafenscher Károly: Liturgika. A keresztény istentisztelet protestáns megközelítésben, ökumenikus szellemben, 413-424 (12)
  9. Models of Worship I - Liturgy of the Services with Preaching


    • Zsolt Kozma: Liturgika, 64-65 (2)
  10. Models of Worship II - Liturgies of the Sacraments

    Keresztelés és úrvacsora liturgiája


    • Zsolt Kozma: Liturgika, 65-70 (6)
    • Hafenscher Károly: Liturgika. A keresztény istentisztelet protestáns megközelítésben, ökumenikus szellemben, 443-458 (16) 489-538 (50)
  11. Models of Worship III - Liturgies of the Life Events


    • Zsolt Kozma: Liturgika, 70-74 (5)
    • Hafenscher Károly: Liturgika. A keresztény istentisztelet protestáns megközelítésben, ökumenikus szellemben, 459-481 (23)
  12. Models of Worship IV - Special Liturgical Occasions


    • Zsolt Kozma: Liturgika, 74-75 (2)
    • Hafenscher Károly: Liturgika. A keresztény istentisztelet protestáns megközelítésben, ökumenikus szellemben, 481-488 (8)
  13. Revision I

Total estimated time

Classroom study

  • 2 hours/week (Course: 2 | Seminar: 0 | Practice: 0)
  • 28 hours/semester (Course: 28 | Seminar: 0 | Practice: 0)

Individual study

  • Time for studying course notes and bibliography: 56 hours/semester.
  • Time for further documentation in libraries, electronic platforms, or on the field: 10 hours/semester.
  • Time for preparing essays, papers, or documentation: 7 hours/semester.
  • Time for personal tutoring: 2 hours/semester.
  • Total individual study: 75 hours/semester.
  • Total estimated time: 103 hours/semester.


The students will write test-papers at given times, will hand in the notices about the books they have read and as an essay they have to create a Bible text list with all liturgy forms occurring in an ecclesiastical feast.