Összes bejegyzés

Frissítés Cím
Jun 15 The notion of faith; faith as knowledge and confidence
Jun 15 The unity of the two Testaments; the legitimacy and limits of critical Bible-analysis.
Jun 15 The threefold form of the Divine Word: the revealed Word (Jesus Christ); the written Word; the preached Word; Scriptura Sacra sui ipsius interpres
Jun 15 The realities thought to be the sources of revelation: the Holy Scripture, the ratio (deism, racionalism), tradition (one or two sources?), the religious experience..
Jun 15 The revelation: Deus absconditus – Deus revelatus, revelatio generalis - revelatio specialis; continuous or closed revelation.
Jun 15 The nature of the theological language: analogy, metaphor, accomodation.
Jun 15 The name, concept and content of dogmatics; creed and dogma; the relation of dogmatics to the other branches of theology; its four characteristics: according to contents reproductive and productive, in its form scientific and existential
Jun 15 Neoplatonism (Plotinus, Porphyry of Tyre, Iamblichus Chalcidensis / Iamblichus of Apamea); meeting of philosophy and Christianity (Celsus, Libanius of Antiochia, Hypatia of Alexandria)
Jun 15 Stoicism and epicureanism
Jun 15 Cynicism
Jun 15 Metaphysics and logic of Aristotle; his theory concerning ousia
Jun 15 Life of Aristotle; classification of sciences
Jun 15 Plato concerning the ideas, his theory of anamnesis and his moral philosophy
Jun 15 Life of Plato and his periods of activity
Jun 15 Life and teaching of Socrates
Jun 15 Sophists of ancient Greece
Jun 15 Pythagoras and the Pythagoreanism: Anaxagoras, Empedocles
Jun 15 Heraclitus
Jun 15 The school of Elea. Parmenides, Zeno of Elea, Melissus of Samos
Jun 15 Presocratic philosophy. The school of Miletus. Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes.
Jun 15 What is philosophy? Its purpose and meaning.
Jun 15 Bibliography, appendices, final editing.
Jun 15 Appropiate use of grammar and ortography; transciption of foreign (Greek, Hebrew) words.
Jun 15 Indexes and key-words; capitalizing and italicizing.
Jun 15 Footnotes; cross-references.
Jun 15 Scholarly ethics. Quoting, paraphrasing, plagiate.
Jun 15 Academic style and language. Objectivity
Jun 15 Workhypothesis and primary content (first detailed sketch)
Jun 15 Accesibility of sources; primary and secondary sources
Jun 15 Important and ancillary data for the research
