Academic worship

Beside the regular academic courses, students and teachers of the Protestant Theological Institute also form a community of worship. Gatherings of service are organised on a regular basis in the main aula of the Institute. During the academic year, every day is opened with a common service, under the guidance of the theological students (7:45-8:00). During the examination period, these morning services are led by one of the teachers, just like the regular week-closing Saturday evening services beginning at 18:00. Every sunday of the academic year is marked by a sunday morning service beginning at 11:15, where the liturgy and sermon is guided by one of the teaching personnel. The three main holidays of the Christian church, Christmas, Eastern and Pentecost, are usually celebrated by the students in various local congregations of the Reformed, Lutheran and Unitarian communities. These serives, the so-called legations, belong to the practical training for ministry, being evaluated in co-operation with the ministers of those congregations.
The congragation is mostly formed by students, teachers and their families, but members outside the academic community also attend these services regularly. The textual guideline for the Sunday sermons is usually provided by the pericopes of the Lutheran liturgy, but deviations from this tradition regularly appear.