
Bachelor in Theology - Reformed profile

Earning the Bachelor in Theology degree (Reformed Profile) involves a study of four years (240 credits) that may be followed by a two years masters studies. (Obtaining the masters degree is compulsory for those intending to work as a minister in the Reformed Churches in Romania.) Reformed profile degree studies are financed by the Reformed Churches of Transylvania and Királyhágómellék.

Bachelor in Theology - Lutheran profile

Earning the Bachelor in Theology degree (Lutheran Profile) involves a study of four years (240 credits) that may be followed by a two years masters studies. (Obtaining the masters degree is compulsory for those intending to work as a minister in the Lutheran Churches in Romania.) Lutheran profile degree studies are financed by the Lutheran Churches of Romania. At the start of their academic application, students sign a contract with the supporting churches by which they commit themselves to work at least five years within these churches once they have finished their studies.

Bachelor in Theology - Unitarian profile

Earning the Bachelor in Theology degree (Unitarian Profile) involves a study of four years (240 credits) that may be followed by a two years masters studies. (Obtaining the masters degree is compulsory for those intending to work as a minister in the Hungarian Unitarian Churches.) Unitarian profile degree studies are financed by the Hungarian Unitarian Churches. At the start of their academic application, students sign a contract with the supporting churches by which they commit themselves to work at least five years within these churches once they have finished their studies.

Master in Theology - Reformed Profile

Master in Theology is a degree focusing on students planning to work in the Reformed, Lutheran or Unitarian churches, or institutions related to these churches. The programme has a double purpose. On the one hand, it offers advanced levels of correlating theological knowledge with practice, equipping students with the necessary background to perform their future work in the above mentioned institutions.

Master in Theology - Lutheran Profile

Master in Theology is a degree focusing on students planning to work in the Lutheran church, or institutions related to this church. The programme has a double purpose. On the one hand, it offers advanced levels of correlating theological knowledge with practice, equipping students with the necessary background to perform their future work in the above mentioned institutions. On the other hand, it also offers limited possibilities to acquire a deeper knowledge in one of the freely elected subjects in any field of the theology to perform individual or collective scientific research.

Master in Theology - Unitarian Profile

Master in Theology is a degree focusing on students planning to work in the Unitarian churches, or institutions of this church. The programme has a double purpose. On the one hand, it offers advanced levels of correlating theological knowledge with practice, equipping students with the necessary background to perform their future work in the above mentioned institutions. On the other hand, it also offers limited possibilities to acquire a deeper knowledge in one of the freely elected subjects in any field of the theology to perform individual or collective scientific research.