Összes bejegyzés

Frissítés Cím
May 24 It repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth (Gen 6:6) – Limits and possibilities of Old Testament theology
May 24 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Heb 10:31) - The other face of the New Testament
May 24 The LORD encountered him and sought to kill him (Ex 4,24) - Is the God of the Old Testament dangerous?
May 24 The LORD thy God is a jealous God (Deut 6:15) – Exclusivism and intolerance in the Old Testament
May 24 Evaluation
May 24 Spare no one, but kill alike men and women(1Sam 15:3) - Holy war?
May 24 I loved Jacob and I hated Esau (Mal 1:2-3) – Election and rejection
May 24 Take your favored one, and offer him as a burnt offering (Gen 22:2) - Unrealistic ethical standards?
May 24 O God, to whom vengeance belongs, show thyself (Zsolt 94:1) – The place of negative emotions in Israel's faith
May 24 Vanity of vanities! (Préd 1:2) - Philosophy of life from the margins of the Old Testament
May 24 I will visit the iniquity of the fathers upon the children (Ex 20:5) – The problem of collective responsibility in the Old Testament
May 24 Introduction. Is the Old Testament a Christian text?
May 24 He cursed them in the name of the LORD (2 Kgs 2:24) – Holiness and worldview in the Old Testament
May 24 Did you not pour me out like milk and curdle me like cheese? (Job 10:10) – The unknown faces of Old Testament anthropology
May 24 Controversial texts in the Old Testament
May 24 Az introvertált egyház imádsága
May 24 Lélek-ozmózis
May 23 Négy évszázad imádsága. Unitárius imakönyvek
May 23 Hitélet és lelkiség
May 22 Hit mellé ismeretet... A 2023. évi tudományos diákköri konferencia rendezvénye
May 22 Hit mellé ismeretet... III. tehetséggondozási nap
May 22 Hit mellé ismeretet... (IV) - Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia a Teológiai Intézetben
May 20 A Ravasz László Gyakorlati Teológiai Kutatóközpont konferenciája. Beszámoló
May 20 Megbékélés, exoneráció, megbocsátás
May 20 Ravasz László Gyakorlati Teológiai Kutatóközpont 2023. évi konferenciája
May 20 Confereința Centrului de Cercetare Ravasz László în domeniul teologiei practice și misiologiei
May 18 Credință cu cunoștință (V)... Conferința științifică a studenților de teologie
May 16 Credință cu cunoștință... (III) Științele de la granițele teologiei
May 16 Credință cu cunoștință (IV)... Conferința științifică a studenților de teologie
May 15 Lezárás és állófogadás az esemény résztvevői számára
