În studiul Vechiului Testament textele primare din cultura vechiului Orientul Apropiat reprezintă cea mai importantă sursă de informații. Vechiul Testament s-a născut într-un context care prin tradiția sa literară se leagă pe nenumărate puncte de structura și ideologia textelor orientale. Scopul cercetării este pregătirea unei ediții bilingve anotate de culegeri reprezentative de texte scrise în limba acadică, care îl va ajuta pe cititorul Vechiului Testament în a înțelege lumea de gândire și particularitățile lingvistice ale acestuia.
ókori Közel Kelet
In the study of the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible), the texts of the Ancient Near East are of primary importance. The Old Testament was written in a context which is connected with thousands of ties to the societies of the ancient world of the Fertile Crescent. The close connection between the Bible and the Near East is often explicitly marked by the biblical authors. On other occasions, further research is required to highlight the parallells. This research aims to make availablea representative collection of ancient texts in translation to Hungarian students and readers of the Bible. The translation is accompanied with the necessary annotations underlining the parallels between the biblical texts and its Near Eastern counterparts.
Az elmúlt évszázad régészeti kutatásai sok tekintetben hozzájárultak a prófétákról és a profetizmusról alkotott hagyományos kép átértékeléséhez. Az izráelita próféciának a közel-keleti háttér ellenében való vizsgálata rendkívül termékeny aktivitásnak bizonyult. Az archeológia szövegleleteiből most ötöt szeretnék kiemelni. Ezek nagymértékben elősegítették a próféták társadalmi funkciójának jobb megértését, illetve részleteiben is betekintést engedtek abba a bonyolult folyamatba, amit a próféciák szóbeli és irodalmi formáinak kialakulása jelent