On 10 June 2022, an ordination assembly was held in the Reformed Church District of Királyhágómellék (Western Transylvania), in Hegyközszentmiklós. Nine assistant ministers, including eitght former students of the Protestant Theological Institute took the pastoral vows.
Eight former theology students, graduating in 2021, ordained as ministers

On 10 June 2022, in an ordination assembly held at the church of in Hegyközszentmiklós (Sânnicolau de Munte) of the Reformed Church District of Királyhágómellék (Western Transylvania), nine assistant ministers took the pastoral vows: Lídia Hajnal Gál, Krisztián Rudolf Gál, Brigitta Gombos, Gábor Gombos, Boglárka Magyar, Norbert Magyar, Gerda Georgina Mátyási, Máté Szegi and Dr. István Fazekas.
Eight of the newly ordened are graduates of the Protestant Theological Institute, while Dr. István Fazekas will serve in the Transylvanian Congregation in Budapest. Among the young ministers three are married couples who will serve the Church from Silágyság (Sălaj), through Arad, to Timișoara.
In his sermon, Jenő Rákosi, dean of the church county of Ér (Ier), compared the festive occasion to Joshua's conquest: although Joshua has grown old, there was still much to be done (Jos 13,1.7.14). We can be grateful to those who have gone before us, and now especially to the outgoing Rev. bishop István Csűry for leading the Church District of Királyhágómellék. Now God is placing new workers on the field to accomplish what needs to be done.
In his outgoing address based on Ephesians 6,6, Rev. István Csűry encouraged those who enter into the bonds of the Church to seek to conform not to the world and men, but to the divine law and conscience.
Máté Szegi, speaking on behalf of the ordained, asked the pastoral community to consider them fellow servants. The festive service ended with a photo session, after which the assembly resumed its official session (Photos by Ervin Rácz / refszatmar.eu)