The theology of the Apostle Paul

In 1 Corinthians 15:20 and 23, Paul calls Jesus “the first fruits of those who are asleep.” According to John, Jesus died on the Eve of Passover and was resurrected on the third day, which was the day of the Omer ritual, the ritual of the first fruits. There have been many attempts to prove that Paul alludes intentionally to the first fruit implicitly, remembering the chronology of Jesus’s last days.

Various aspects of Paul's theology continue to be of great interest to New Testament scholars today. The results show that, despite the consensus reached, many questions remain unresolved. This is true not only for the details but also for the main chapters of Pauline theology. Further research is therefore not only recommended but essential. Comprehensive studies or clarification of specific details can be fruitful for a deeper and better understanding.

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