2024-2025. akadémiai év

Pe 15 septembrie 2024, anul universitar a fost deschis în mod festiv la Institutul Teologic Protestant din Cluj-Napoca. Discursul rectorului a fost rostit, iar noii studenți de anul întâi au depus jurământul la ceremonia de deschidere academică. Un total de 116 studenți s-au înscris pentru anul universitar 2024-2025.

On September 15, 2024, the academic year was ceremoniously opened at the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca. The rector’s speech was delivered, and the new first-year students took their oaths at the academic opening ceremony. A total of 116 students enrolled for the 2024-2025 academic year.

2024. szeptember 15-én ünnepi keretek között nyitották meg a tanévet a Kolozsvári Protestáns Teológiai Intézetben. Az akadémiai évnyitón elhangzott a rektori beszéd és fogadalmat tett az új első évfolyam. A 2024-2025-ös tanévre 116 hallgató iratkozott be.

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