The agreement aiming to strengthen the cooperation between the two universities in the fields of education and research was signed on July 9, 2016.
PTI has signed a bilateral agreement with the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

The Protestant Theological Institute and the Babeș-Bolyai University have been working together informally for more than a decade. Professors of BBU and the PTI have been serving as visiting professors or members in various committees in each other's institutions. Therefore, the present contract authenticates an already existing relationship enhancing the opportunities for future cooperation. A first step on this road will be a joint conference related to the anniversary of the 500 years of Reformation, which will take place in November 2016.
The agreement between the two universities was initiated by former rector Elek Rezi, currently vice-rector of the PTI, and Anna Soós, vice-rector of the BBU, and it was also supported by the executive bodies of the churches supporting the Theological Institute. The agreement was signed by the rectors Dezső Kállay from the PTI and Ioan-Aurel Pop from the BBU. On this occasion the BBU was also represented by Anna Soós and Bálint Markó vice-rectors, and József Benedek, president of the senate. From the PTI vice-rector Elek Rezi, Zoltán Adorjáni, president of the senate, and Csaba Balogh, dean, have attended the event.