The Senate
- Art. 19. The Senate represents the academic community and is the highest decision-making and deliberating forum at the university level.
- Art. 20. The organisation of the university Senate corresponds to the doctrinal and canonical specificity of the Supporting Churches.
- Art. 21. The Senate’s mandate is of 4 years. The length of the mandate of an individual member of the Senate is 4 years, with the possibility of maximum two successive renewals. In the case of the students, the length of their mandate is 1 year, because according to the Regulation concerning the statute of the PTI Student Union, the students organise elections in every academic year, by which they delegate their representatives into the various forums of the PTI.
- Art. 22. All Senate members, without exception, are elected by the universal, direct and secret vote of all full-time teaching and research staff, and by all students respectively.
- Art. 23. The university Senate elects by secret vote its own president, who chairs its meetings and represents the Senate in front of the Rector.
- Art. 24. The university Senate is composed by maximum 75% teaching and research personnel and by minimum 25% student representatives. The size of the Senate including all its members with full (i.e. voting) rights is 13.
- Art. 25. Given the fact that according to H.G. 1512 from 19.11.2008, PTI has one faculty and one license programme with three study lines, the representation in the Senate is realised by the departments in the following manner: 5 out of the 9 elected staff members belong to the Reformed Church, 3 to the Unitarian Church and 1 to the Lutheran Church.
- Art. 26. Members of full rights (i.e. having the right to vote) of the Senate are:
- a) 9 full-time teaching and research staff members;
- b) 4 student representatives.
- Art. 27. The Senate may invite to its meetings the following persons with consultative rights:
- a) The Chief secretary of the PTI, who is also the secretary of the Senate;
- b) The General administrative director of the PTI;
- c) The Chief accountant of the PTI;
- d) Representatives of the Supporting Churches.
- Art. 28. The university Senate can be convened by the Rector or at the request of at least one third of its members. The quorum exists if at least 2/3 of the voting members are present.
- Art. 29. The Senate makes its decisions by the simple majority of the votes of those present. At the request of at least three of its members, the decisions are taken by secret vote.
- Art. 30. The Senate establishes special committees through which it controls the activities of PTI’s executive leadership and those of the Administrative Council. The monitoring and control reports are presented periodically and discussed in the Senate, serving as a basis for its resolutions.
- Art. 31. The jurisdiction of the Senate is the following:
- a) it guarantees academic freedom and university autonomy;
- b) following the debate within the academic community, it elaborates and adopts the university Charta;
- c) approves the strategic plan of institutional development and the operational plans at the Rector’s proposal;
- d) at the Rector’s proposal and in accordance with the laws in force, it approves the structure, organisation and functioning of the university;
- e) approves the proposed project and the budgetary execution;
- f) it elaborates and approves the documents concerning quality assurance and the Code of Ethics and Professional Deontology;
- g) adopts the university code of the rights and obligations of the students;
- h) approves the methodologies and regulations concerning the organisation and functioning of the PTI;
- i) establishes the management contract with the Rector;
- j) controls the activity of the Rector and of the Administrative Council by special committees;
- k) validates the public competitions for memberships within the Administrative Council;
- l) approves the methodology of the competition and its results concerning the hiring of teaching and research personnel and evaluates human resources periodically;
- m) approves, following the Rector’s proposal, the sanctioning of personnel with poor professional performance, based on the methodology and the legislation in force;
- n) promotes all personnel according to the regulation concerning the obtainment of teaching and research positions within the PTI;
- o) establishes the criteria of appreciation of teaching and research activities;
- p) encourages scientific research and ensures the edition and publication of research results;
- q) establishes the modalities of PTI’s internal and international cooperation as well as the signing of contracts in this sense;
- r) establishes foundations; defines and uses its own logos and symbols;
- s) approves the various interior regulations of the PTI, including their modifications, augmentations or revisions, which by the Senate’s approval become integrant parts of the PTI Charta.