The aim of this course is to illustrate the process of interpretation of the Old Testament by concrete examples. The course will help the student to take a critical stance towards texts and their interpretations. The course will further allow a thorough look at a concrete biblical text (Isaiah 7:1-9:6).
Courses taught by Csaba Balogh
Cred 5 · Sem 7 · Őszi
Cred 3 · Sem 7 · Őszi
The general scope of the course of Old Testament theology is to attempt to frame the diverse theological content of the Old Testament and to highlight the referential points which through the mediation of Judaism and Christianity have eventually become the cultural treasures of humanity. The course gives an overview of Old Testament pictures of the divine world in its ancient Near Eastern context. Specific topics to be discussed include monotheism, divine representation and mythological language. |
Cred 3 · Sem 3 · Őszi
This course examines controversial texts of the Hebrew Bible from the point of view of the contemporary Christian reader. The texts discussed often played - not only in the contemporary discourse, but throughout the history of the Old Testament hermeneutics - an important role in challenging the relevance and normativity of the Old Testament for modern theological thinking. |