20 Reformed students have obtained their MA in Protestant theology

On July 1, the 20 Reformed MA students graduated from Theological Institute. From September they will begin their service in the churches of Transylvania.

The church service based on Ps 48:13-15 was directed by István Csűry, bishop of the Reformed Church District of Királyhágómellék. Following a solemn oath ceremony, Benedek Kállay, the representative of the graduating students, has uttered a farewell speech addressed to teachers, fellow students, and parents.

Graduated students belonging to the Reformed Church District of Transylvania:

1. Adorján Dénes
2. Bárócz Huba
3. Csinta Lajos-László
4. Domokos Norbert-István
5. Ferenczi Zoltán
6. Gál Adél
7. Lőrincz Ágoston
8. Moisza Arnold
9. Pál Árpád Csaba
10. Szabó-Elek Zsolt
11. Tordai István Levente
12. Tordai Veress Emőke

Graduated students belonging to the Reformed Church District of Királyhágómellék:

1. Bíró Botond
2. Csűrös Róbert Gyula
3. Demeter Szabolcs István
4. Dohi Vilhelm-Arnold
5. Kállai Benedek
6. Karikás Orsolya
7. Szász Zoltán
8. Tarr Csaba