On June 25, at six o'clock in the afternoon, the traditional academic year-end ceremony took place. At the 74th closing ceremony of the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca, Rector Sándor Kovács evaluated the 2022-2023 academic year.
The 2022/2023 academic year has come to a close

During the ceremony, Rector Kovács Sándor evaluated the personnel changes, events, student activities, faculty, and administration activities of the 2022-2023 academic year. He expressed gratitude to those who contributed in various ways to the success and achievements of the academic year.
Currently, the PTI has 123 enrolled students. He emphasized that although more students enrolled in the first year this year than the previous year, the Institute considers it essential to keep the interest in the Institute and its theological education alive among high school students and young people in Transylvania, with the participation of students and faculty. In this regard, the student body of PTI organised several promotional caravans and open days under the leadership of instructor Szabolcs Kató. Similarly, the Unitarian department, led by instructor Botond Koppándi, visited Unitarian high schools. There was a particularly high interest in the open days. [For more information, click here.]
Among the student events organized during the academic year, he highlighted the Meeting of Protestant Theological Students from the Carpathian Basin in Cluj (September 22-23, 2022), the Night of Open Doors (March 14, 2023), the Quo Vadis Gala (April 26, 2023), and the Theology Study Circle organized by the students. The rector praised the outstanding achievements of the student body in scientific activities, such as awards received at the National Scientific Student Conference and the Transylvanian Scientific Student Conference, as well as the students' active participation in publications. He also encouraged them to "get involved in scientific research work" because it is not a waste of time but rather a stepping stone to bachelor's and master's theses, and possibly a future doctoral thesis.
Regarding the scientific activity of the PTI instructors, he summarised, "Our Institute's teachers participated in a total of 74 conferences/professional events, of which 10 were international conferences. They delivered presentations at a total of 35 scientific, 22 professional, and 17 wider-audience events."
Looking ahead, the rector emphasized that in the next academic year, the PTI will face another accreditation examination: the documentation for the master's program needs to be prepared. He expressed hope that it will be possible to negotiate the appropriate fees with the relevant bodies concerning the tripled accreditation fees in the meantime. The increased energy prices, inflation, and the growing operating costs will only allow the smooth functioning of the institute's life if the subsidies are received in a timely manner. He expressed gratitude for the current support and hope for the future, emphasizing that "the financial situation of KPTI depends on the complete payment of these supports." [The full text of the rector's speech can be read in the attachment.]
Following the annual speech, the awards were presented to the students. The Institute acknowledged the students who achieved outstanding results in academic, scientific, diaconal, organizational, or sports activities during the 2022-2023 academic year and rewarded their achievements with book vouchers.
Representing the graduating sixth-year students (MA 2nd year), József Horváth bid farewell. In his summary, he reflected on the experiences of the past six years and the years of preparation for service, to which "God seduced" those preparing for pastoral service. [The full text of József Horváth's speech can be read in the attachment.]
A highlight of the year-end events each year is the awarding of certificates to the alumni and retired pastors who graduated 50, 60, or 70 years ago. At the year-end event, the newly graduated students, and the dedicated colleagues who graduated decades ago and remained faithful in their service, sit side by side. They receive golden or diamond certificates during this event. After the certificates were awarded, on behalf of the alumni, Dr. Zsolt Geréb, who graduated 60 years ago and who is also a retired lecturer of the KPTI, delivered a congratulatory speech.
The ceremony was concluded with a performance by the choir, and the event ended with the singing of the anthem. Following this, at the menza, guests, celebrating pastors, and Institute staff participated in a joint reception.