During the closing ceremony of the 2016-2017 academic year, thirteen reformed students have made a solemn vow to remain faithful to their calling. They will begin to work as junior clerks from September within the Reformed churches.
Thirteen students have successfully finished their MA studies

The academic year was closed with a church ceremony held on Sunday, June 25, 2017, within the newly renovated Main Aula of the Protestant Theological Institute. The church service was led by Bishop Béla Kató, with a sermon on Luke 13:31-35.
11 students from the Reformed Church District of Transylvania: Antal Enikő, Bacsó István, Barti Ferencz Róbert, Bíró Alpár, Csalóka Ernő, Dániel Tamás, Kovács Zoltán, Nagy Hunor Ferenc, Nagy Norbert Levente, Rád András László.
3 students from the Reformed Church District of Királyhágómellék: Ádám Zsolt, Józsa Bertalan, Molnár Viktor Lajos.
The oath-taking ceremony was led by János Gyenge, member of the directorate of the Transylvanian Reformed Church. Finally, a farewell speech was uttered by Ernő Csalóka, graduating student.