Theological English introduces the students to the most commonly used English Theological expressions, makes the student capable to recognize them in context, to understand them in interrelation and to use them properly and adequately in writing and speaking. It develops the students’ reading and communication skills in English spoken Theological language.
Courses taught by Edit Somfalvi
Cred 2 · Sem 7 · Őszi
Cred 3 · Sem 5 · Őszi
In the first semester the students will get to know their own psychological progress and recognize their skills, abilities and limits in teaching and education. Furthermore they will learn the basic vocabulary of personal psychology, of developmental psychology and of education theory, they will adopt the constructive pedagogy's point of view and they will master to use it in ecclesiastical circumstances. |
Cred 2 · Sem 5 · Őszi
The aim in the first semester is to clarify the problems of Liturgical History and to answer theoretical questions about liturgy itself. In this way the students will be able to have a look at the first Christian services and liturgy, get a hint about the liturgies used by Christian denominations, they will learn what new things the Reformation brought about in church services and must have to correctly every Reformed liturgy form. |