Old Testament theology I

The general scope of the course of Old Testament theology is to attempt to frame the diverse theological content of the Old Testament and to highlight the referential points which through the mediation of Judaism and Christianity have eventually become the cultural treasures of humanity. The term "theology" is used here in a wider sense: it does not focus merely on statements about God but it explores the manifestations of Israel's faith. The course Old Testament theology I focuses more specifically on previous attempts to systematise the content of the Old Testament (overview of a history of research). It aims to highlight the dilemma of "theology and/or history of Israel's religion" in recent discussions. The course also gives an overview of Old Testament pictures of the divine world in its ancient Near Eastern context. Specific topics to be discussed include monotheism, divine representation and mythological language.


Specific competences

By the end of this course the student should
  • be aware of the main approaches to the theology of the Old Testament;
  • be familiar with the main theological traditions within the Old Testament as well as its diverse nature;
  • be able to describe the role of canonical, historical and sociological factors which play a role in the background of Old Testament traditions;
  • be able to summarize the relationship between the biblical traditions and the Ancient Near Eastern world, with respect to the common traits and the divergences;
  • understand the idea of monotheism in the Old Testament traditions;
  • form a view about the theological role of iconographic representation in various texts of the Old Testament.

General competences

The course allows the student
  • to recognise the importance of the Old Testament for the Christian teology and culture;
  • to understand the relevance of the Old Testament for Christian theology in central issues such as monotheism and cultic representation;
  • to be aware of the complex nature of biblical traditions and its consequences;
  • to be able to reflect critically on a concrete topic or point of view regarding a topic.

Total estimated time

Classroom study Course Seminar Practice
2 hours/week 2 0 0
28 hours/semester 28 0 0
Individual study Hours/sem
Total estimated time 88
Studying course notes and bibliography 40
Further documentation in libraries, electronic platforms, or on the field 20
Preparing essays, papers, or documentation 0
Personal tutoring 0
Total individual study 60


The student should be aware of the main scholarly literature of the subjects treated and engage in dispute with the various positions. The exam will evaluate the students familiarity with the topic as well as his own personal opinion regarding the particular subjects and their interpretations.



Journal article

Book article

  • Jeremias, Jörg (2014): Az ószövetségi teológia fő problémái In: Balogh Csaba: Testimony, dispute, advocacy. Encountering the Theology of Walter Brueggemann // Tanúságtétel, vita, pártfogás. Találkozások Walter Brueggemann teológiájával . Cluj-Napoca: Exit, 35-52 old.
  • Karasszon István (2014): Walter Brueggemann teológiája In: Balogh Csaba: Testimony, dispute, advocacy. Encountering the Theology of Walter Brueggemann // Tanúságtétel, vita, pártfogás. Találkozások Walter Brueggemann teológiájával . Cluj-Napoca: Exit, 65-76 old.
  • Pieterse, Werner (2014): A „tanú törékenysége” In: Balogh Csaba: Testimony, dispute, advocacy. Encountering the Theology of Walter Brueggemann // Tanúságtétel, vita, pártfogás. Találkozások Walter Brueggemann teológiájával . Cluj-Napoca: Exit, 155-166 old.
  • Brueggemann, Walter (2014): Visszatekintés In: Balogh Csaba: Testimony, dispute, advocacy. Encountering the Theology of Walter Brueggemann // Tanúságtétel, vita, pártfogás. Találkozások Walter Brueggemann teológiájával . Cluj-Napoca: Exit, 205-210 old.
  • Collins, John J. (2008): Izrael vallása: az istennő visszatér In: Collins, John J.: A Biblia Bábel után. Történetkritika a posztmodern korban . Napjaink Teológiája . Pannonhalma: Bencés, 195-252 old.

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