The new academic year started Sunday morning with an opening church service, being followed in the afternoon by the opening ceremony. 31 new students made their vow and committed themselves to prepare for the service of the church.
students' oath
Vasárnap délelőtt évnyitó istentisztelettel, illetve délutáni évnyitó ünnepéllyel indult a 2017-2018. akadémiai év. Az új tanév kezdetén 31 elsőéves hallgató tett fogadalmat.
În cadrul ceremoniei de închidere a anului universitar 2016-2017, treisprezece studenți reformați au depus jurământul de a rămâne fidel chemării lor. Din septembrie ei vor începe perioada de practică profesională în biserica reformată.
During the closing ceremony of the 2016-2017 academic year, thirteen reformed students have made a solemn vow to remain faithful to their calling. They will begin to work as junior clerks from September within the Reformed churches.
A 2016-2017-es évet záró akadémiai istentisztelet keretében kibocsátották azt a tíz erdélyi és három királyhágómelléki református hallgatót, akik ősztől kezdik el gyakornoki szolgálatukat a két egyházkerületben.
Az ünnepély keretében sor kerül az első éves hallgatók fogadalomtételére is.
În cadrul acestei ceremonii de închidere a anului universitar, doisprezece studenți absolvenți de masterat au depus jurământul lor de a rămâne credincioși chemării lor în serviciul bisericii în anii care urmează.
On this closing service of the academic year, twelve new graduated MA students have made a solemn vow to be faithful to their call in the service of the church in the years to come.
2016. július 26-án az akadémiai évzáró istentisztelet keretében 12 magiszteri képzést lezáró református hallgató tett fogadalmat és nyert felvételt az egyházi, gyakornoki szolgálatra.