In 2021 the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca will participate again in the external institutional evaluation (due every five years). During this re-evaluation an official commission appointed by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) will carry out a detailed external assessment of the institution and its undergraduate programme (BA).
News and announcements
2021 July 01 ∙ 18:52 ∙ 3 years ago
2021 April 16 ∙ 16:01 ∙ 3 years ago
In the social sciences section of the Scientific Conference of Hungarian Students, in the subgroups of religious sciences and theology, PTI students returned with five awards. |
2020 October 27 ∙ 20:20 ∙ 4 years ago
The meeting of the theological section of the 23rd Scientific Conference of Students in Transylvania took place on Friday, October 23. In the theological section six students presented the results of their research to the online forum, organised in the Zoom space. The following studies were presented in the section: |
2020 September 21 ∙ 22:10 ∙ 4 years ago
On Sunday afternoon, September 20, 2020, the new academic year opened in a ceremonial setting. In place of the twenty-three graduated master’s students twenty-four newly admitted BA students enter the gates of the theological faculty. |
2020 March 08 ∙ 20:35 ∙ 5 years ago
On March 5-6, under the leadership of youth pastor Árpád Sógor, the first- and second-year Reformed and Unitarian students embarked on a congregation-visiting tour within the Maros and Küküllő regions, as part of their practical course of Contextual congregational knowledge. The purpose of the practice was to familiarise themselves with the congregations in Transylvania. |
2020 February 28 ∙ 13:51 ∙ 5 years ago
In his meeting of 27 February 2020, the Senate of the Protestant Theological Institute validated the results of the election organised on 25 February 2020. The new rector elected for the period 2020-2024 is professor dr. Vilmos József Kolumbán. |
2020 February 01 ∙ 15:52 ∙ 5 years ago
On January 30, 2020, ARACIS, the Romanian national agency responsible for the accreditation of HE institutions, evaluated and certified the applied Protestant pastoral theology master's program organised by the Protestant Theological Institute. |
2019 September 24 ∙ 16:53 ∙ 5 years ago
Dezső Kállay, the rector of the Theological Institute, opened the new academic year with a traditional theological discourse. During the opening ceremony the students admitted to the first year took their oath. The institute will start the new year with 162 students. |
2019 July 17 ∙ 16:43 ∙ 5 years ago
During the summer admission examination session of 2019, the following number of students have succeeded their exams: Reformed Church Transylvanian District: 4 women and 7 men, Reformed Church District of Királyhágómellék: 2 women and 4 men, Hungarian Unitarian Church: 3 women. |
2019 July 02 ∙ 08:49 ∙ 5 years ago
During the church service on 30 June 2019, a group of 16 students have made a solemn oath to continue to serve as ministers of the Hungarian Reformed and Lutheran congregations. |