
The main purpose of this paper is to offer the comparative analysis of Gal 3:28 and Col 3:11 in order to unfold a possible answer of the text to the question: how did the Early Church define the idea of “oneness in Christ” in the context of the social and cultural diversity? In our attempt to find an answer to the above mentioned question we will use mainly the hermeneutical principle: Scriptura Sacra sui ipsius interpres est.

The main purpose of this paper is to offer the comparative analysis of Gal 3:28 and Col 3:11 in order to unfold a possible answer of the text to the question: how did the Early Church define the idea of “oneness in Christ” in the context of the social and cultural diversity? In our attempt to find an answer to the above mentioned question we will use mainly the hermeneutical principle: Scriptura Sacra sui ipsius interpres est.

Fundaţia Conferinţei Biblice Internaţionale din Szeged a lansat un proiect de traducere în limba maghiară al cărţii: Klaus Berger – Carsten Colpe, „Religionsgeschichtliches Textbuch zum Neuen Testament” (Göttingen–Zürich: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht 1987). Cartea conţine în jur 1700 citate, 700 secvenţe de texte antice mai lungi traduse din limba latină, elenă, ebraică, arameică, coptă egipteană, sireacă şi un număr mare de inscripţii respectiv fragmente traduse n limba germană. Mai mult de 300 citate provin din texte care încă nu au fost traduse în limba maghiară.

A Szegedi Nemzetközi Biblikus Konferencia Alapítványa tervbe vette a Klaus Berger és Carsten Colpe által összeállított „Religionsgeschichtliches Textbuch zum Neuen Testament” (Göttingen–Zürich: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht 1987) vallástörténeti szöveggyűjtemény magyar nyelvre való fordítását. Klaus Berger és Carsten Colpe 1700 antik idézetet rendelt az Újszövetség szövegéhez, 700 hosszabb latin, görög, héber, arám, kopt és szír párhuzamot közölt német fordításban, de ezek mellett még számos felirat, illetve töredék német fordítását is.


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