Ezen az alkalmon kerül sor az elsőéves hallgatók fogadalomtételére.
akadémiai évnyitó
The opening ceremony of the academic year took place in the afternoon of September 23. During this event the students admitted to the first year at the Theological Institute took their traditional oath.
În după-amiaza zilei de 23 septembrie, a avut loc ceremonia de deschidere a anului academic. În cadrul acestui eveniment studenții admiși la primul an de studiu la Institutului Teologic și-au depus jurâmuntul tradițional.
Noul an universitar a început la 23 septembrie. În cadrul slujbei de duminică dimineață, doi studenți care au absolvit studiile în sesiunea de examinare de toamnă, au fost preluați de reprezentanții bisericii. Studenții absolvenți își vor începe slujba în luna octombrie.
The new academic year has begun on September 23. In the Sunday morning service, two students graduating during the autumn examination period, were taken over by the representatives of the church. The graduating students will begin their service in October in the congregations of Transylvania.
A fényképeket Orbán Alex teológiai hallgató készítette.
Szeptember 23-án délután került sor a közös akadémiai évnyitóra, amelyen fogadalmat tettek a Teológiai Intézet elsőéves hallgatói.
Szeptember 23-án, vasárnap délelőtt, ünnepi istentisztelettel kezdődött az új akadémiai év. Az ünnepség keretében az Protestáns Teológiai Intézet kibocsátotta azokat a végzős magiszteri hallgatókat, akik a szeptemberi vizsgaidőszakban zárták le tanulmányaikat.
The new academic year started Sunday morning with an opening church service, being followed in the afternoon by the opening ceremony. 31 new students made their vow and committed themselves to prepare for the service of the church.
Vasárnap délelőtt évnyitó istentisztelettel, illetve délutáni évnyitó ünnepéllyel indult a 2017-2018. akadémiai év. Az új tanév kezdetén 31 elsőéves hallgató tett fogadalmat.