The present study deals with the characteristic features of the ministry of teachers in the early church, contrasting them with the rabbis in the synagogues. As charismatic characters in the early church, teachers have played a role compa-rable to that of the apostles and prophets. In a different order of ideas, we would like to investigate whether the competence of charismatic teachers should be considered universal, or whether they played a rather local administrative role in the way bishops, deacons and presbyters did.
The present study deals with the characteristic features of the ministry of teachers in the early church, contrasting them with the rabbis in the synagogues. As charismatic characters in the early church, teachers have played a role compa-rable to that of the apostles and prophets. In a different order of ideas, we would like to investigate whether the competence of charismatic teachers should be considered universal, or whether they played a rather local administrative role in the way bishops, deacons and presbyters did.
Prófétai ima:
Atya, Fiú, Szentlélek Istenünk! Hálával állunk meg előtted. Te vagy a teremtő szó, a megváltó tett és a megszentelő eszme, minden, ami érték és jó, és amiért élni és küzdeni érdemes. Köszönjük, hogy eléd jöhetünk, hogy hajlékod sziklahasadékában, ha csak úgy a fonákjából is, de megláthatjuk dicsőségedet. Király vagy, mi szolgáid, hálával adózunk neked. Mennyei tróntermed angyaloktól hangos, mégis a mi imánk is füledbe veszed.