At the Introduction to the New Testament III course we present the literary history (author, addressee, where, when and the circumstances in which they were written, the reason for why they were written, the literary unity and their structure) of the letters of Paul written to the Galatians, Romans, Philippians, Colossians, Ephesians and the Pastoral epistles, their main content, the most representative theological themes and motifs. Based on previous historical and factual information, the introductive course leads the attendee into the exegesis and the theological approach.
At the Introduction to the New Testament II course we present the literary history (author, addressee, where, when and the circumstances in which they were written, the reason for why they were written, the literary unity and their structure) of the gospel according to John, of the Acts of the Apostles and of the early letters of Paul written to the congregation (1,2 Tessalonians, 1,2 Corinthians), their main content, the most representative theological themes and motifs.
At the Introduction to the New Testament I course we present the conditions and the circumstances regarding the formation of the synoptic traditions, we introduce the attendee into the substance of the synoptic problems and their possible solutions.
A keresztyénség felekezeti különbségre való tekintet nélkül egyöntetűen tanítja, hogy felfogása szerint a keresztyén hit és élet elválaszthatatlanul összetartozik. A hit, mint a bűnöst kegyelemből megigazító és gyermekévé fogadó Istenhez való viszonyulás nem csupán az emberi szív belső élménye, mely liturgikus cselekményekben jut kifejezésre, hanem meghatározza a hívő ember egész életvitelét, így az embertárshoz és szűkebb, tágabb környezetéhez való viszonyát.