jún 15 |
The glorification of Christ: His resurrection and ascension. The triple duty of Christ. |
jún 15 |
Incarnation; divine and human natture of Christ; communicatio idiomatum. |
jún 15 |
The free and the servile will. „Simul iustus et peccator”. The pelagian controversy, human merit and divine grace.érdem és kegyelem. |
jún 15 |
The guilty (wicked) man; peccatum originale et actuale (original and actual sin). |
jún 15 |
The man as Gods creature: The contents and limits of the doctrine of imago dei (Gods image in the man). |
jún 15 |
The man(kind) – result of creation and/or evolution? |
jún 15 |
Unde malum? – the problem of evil (Irenaeus, Augustinus, Barth); miracle and laws of the nature. |
jún 15 |
The doctrine of creation and divine providence |
jún 15 |
The doctrine concerning Trinity: its definition; biblical background; antitrinitarian concepcions; the problem of filioque. |
jún 15 |
The divine attributes; the divine suffering; the problem of atheism. |
jún 15 |
Faith and intellect; the faces of the unbelief. |
jún 15 |
The notion of faith; faith as knowledge and confidence |
jún 15 |
The unity of the two Testaments; the legitimacy and limits of critical Bible-analysis. |
jún 15 |
The threefold form of the Divine Word: the revealed Word (Jesus Christ); the written Word; the preached Word; Scriptura Sacra sui ipsius interpres |
jún 15 |
The realities thought to be the sources of revelation: the Holy Scripture, the ratio (deism, racionalism), tradition (one or two sources?), the religious experience.. |
jún 15 |
The revelation: Deus absconditus – Deus revelatus, revelatio generalis - revelatio specialis; continuous or closed revelation. |
jún 15 |
The nature of the theological language: analogy, metaphor, accomodation. |
jún 15 |
The name, concept and content of dogmatics; creed and dogma; the relation of dogmatics to the other branches of theology; its four characteristics: according to contents reproductive and productive, in its form scientific and existential |
jún 15 |
Neoplatonism (Plotinus, Porphyry of Tyre, Iamblichus Chalcidensis / Iamblichus of Apamea); meeting of philosophy and Christianity (Celsus, Libanius of Antiochia, Hypatia of Alexandria) |
jún 15 |
Stoicism and epicureanism |
jún 15 |
Cynicism |
jún 15 |
Metaphysics and logic of Aristotle; his theory concerning ousia |
jún 15 |
Life of Aristotle; classification of sciences |
jún 15 |
Plato concerning the ideas, his theory of anamnesis and his moral philosophy |
jún 15 |
Life of Plato and his periods of activity |
jún 15 |
Life and teaching of Socrates |
jún 15 |
Sophists of ancient Greece |
jún 15 |
Pythagoras and the Pythagoreanism: Anaxagoras, Empedocles |
jún 15 |
Heraclitus |
jún 15 |
The school of Elea. Parmenides, Zeno of Elea, Melissus of Samos |