Összes bejegyzés

Frissítés Cím
jún 16 The theological controversy of Alexandria and Antioch: Cyril of Alexandria and Nestorius; theological controversies and eclesio-political fights
jún 16 The life, teaching and theological sigificance of Aurelius Augustinus
jún 16 The Latin theological teaching before 431: Hilary of Poitiers; Jerome and the Vulgata; Ambrose of Milan
jún 16 The life, teaching and theological sigificance of John Chrysostom
jún 16 The life, teaching and theological sigificance of Theodor of Mopsuestia
jún 16 The theological School of Antioch: its early representants, the life and sigificance of Diodor of Tarsus
jún 16 The canons and results of the Second Ecumenical Council of Constantinople
jún 16 The Second Ecumenical Council of Constantinople: its prelude, convocation, events and Creed
jún 16 The life and theological significance of Amphilochius of Iconium
jún 16 The theology of the Cappadocian fathers II: Gregory of Nyssa
jún 16 The theology of the Cappadocian fathers I: Basil the Great, Gregory of Nazianz.
jún 16 Christological and pneumatological side tracks: Apollinaris, Macedonius and the pneumatomachians.
jún 16 The life and theological importance of Athanasius
jún 16 Teological controversies after Nicea: the councils of Sardica and Sirmium.
jún 16 The first general theological controversy: Arius and the arianism; the first Ecumenical Council of Nicea and its Creed.
jún 16 The most important expressions from the field of the doctrine of Trinity and Christology: ousia, physis, hypostasis, prosopon
jún 16 The life and theological importance of Origen
jún 16 The doctrine of Trinity before Origen
jún 16 Adoptionist and docetist trends in the Early Church
jún 16 The first theological controversies of the Early Church with Jews and Gentiles; the christological teaching of the apostolic fathers.
jún 15 The tension of "even today you will be with me" and "he will be resurrected on the last day". Universal salvation or the dualism of salvation and hell (reprobation)?
jún 15 The Kingdom of God in the tension of "right now" and "not yet"; the controversy and theological relevance of the immortality of the soul.
jún 15 The characteristics of the Church: one, holy , catholic, apostolic. The visible and the invisible Church; Church and state; Church and world religions.
jún 15 Pneumatology: teh person and work of the Holy Spirit. Person or only divine power? Transpersonal reality; the controversy concerning His deity.
jún 15 The Lord's Supper: transsubstanciation, consubstanciation, memorialism.
jún 15 Definition of the sacraments: accedit verbum ad elementum et fit sacramentum. The meanings of the baptism. The problem of infant- and adult baptism.
jún 15 The problem of predestination in Arminianism, in the thoughts of Karl Barth. The thesis of Max Weber.
jún 15 The basic meanings of predestination
jún 15 The nature and validity of the salvation in Christ: deification, justification, authentic being, political liberation, spiritual freedom.
jún 15 The meanings of Christ's death: sacrifice, victory, absolution, moral example.
