jún 16 |
The theological controversy of Alexandria and Antioch: Cyril of Alexandria and Nestorius; theological controversies and eclesio-political fights |
jún 16 |
The life, teaching and theological sigificance of Aurelius Augustinus |
jún 16 |
The Latin theological teaching before 431: Hilary of Poitiers; Jerome and the Vulgata; Ambrose of Milan |
jún 16 |
The life, teaching and theological sigificance of John Chrysostom |
jún 16 |
The life, teaching and theological sigificance of Theodor of Mopsuestia |
jún 16 |
The theological School of Antioch: its early representants, the life and sigificance of Diodor of Tarsus |
jún 16 |
The canons and results of the Second Ecumenical Council of Constantinople |
jún 16 |
The Second Ecumenical Council of Constantinople: its prelude, convocation, events and Creed |
jún 16 |
The life and theological significance of Amphilochius of Iconium |
jún 16 |
The theology of the Cappadocian fathers II: Gregory of Nyssa |
jún 16 |
The theology of the Cappadocian fathers I: Basil the Great, Gregory of Nazianz. |
jún 16 |
Christological and pneumatological side tracks: Apollinaris, Macedonius and the pneumatomachians. |
jún 16 |
The life and theological importance of Athanasius |
jún 16 |
Teological controversies after Nicea: the councils of Sardica and Sirmium. |
jún 16 |
The first general theological controversy: Arius and the arianism; the first Ecumenical Council of Nicea and its Creed. |
jún 16 |
The most important expressions from the field of the doctrine of Trinity and Christology: ousia, physis, hypostasis, prosopon |
jún 16 |
The life and theological importance of Origen |
jún 16 |
The doctrine of Trinity before Origen |
jún 16 |
Adoptionist and docetist trends in the Early Church |
jún 16 |
The first theological controversies of the Early Church with Jews and Gentiles; the christological teaching of the apostolic fathers. |
jún 15 |
The tension of "even today you will be with me" and "he will be resurrected on the last day". Universal salvation or the dualism of salvation and hell (reprobation)? |
jún 15 |
The Kingdom of God in the tension of "right now" and "not yet"; the controversy and theological relevance of the immortality of the soul. |
jún 15 |
The characteristics of the Church: one, holy , catholic, apostolic. The visible and the invisible Church; Church and state; Church and world religions. |
jún 15 |
Pneumatology: teh person and work of the Holy Spirit. Person or only divine power? Transpersonal reality; the controversy concerning His deity. |
jún 15 |
The Lord's Supper: transsubstanciation, consubstanciation, memorialism. |
jún 15 |
Definition of the sacraments: accedit verbum ad elementum et fit sacramentum. The meanings of the baptism. The problem of infant- and adult baptism. |
jún 15 |
The problem of predestination in Arminianism, in the thoughts of Karl Barth. The thesis of Max Weber. |
jún 15 |
The basic meanings of predestination |
jún 15 |
The nature and validity of the salvation in Christ: deification, justification, authentic being, political liberation, spiritual freedom. |
jún 15 |
The meanings of Christ's death: sacrifice, victory, absolution, moral example. |