Application for the new academic year of 2016-2017 for BA in protestant pastoral theology for reformed, lutheran and unitarian candidates will take place between 15-21 July 2016.
Az Intézet felvételi vizsgát hirdet a 2016–2017. tanulmányi évre református, evangélikus és unitárius teológiai alapképzésre. A felvételi időpontja: 2016. július 15-21.
În urma finalizării rezultatelor din sesiunea de admitere in lunile iulie și septembrie, 24 noi studenți vor începe studiile anul academic 2015-2016.
As a result of the application examinations in July and September, 24 new first year students will be enrolled for the academic year 2015-2016.
A júliusi és szeptemberi felvételi vizsgák eredményeképpen a 2015-2016. akadémiai év 24 új hallgatóval indul.
A részletekhez lásd:
Application for the new academic year of 2015-2016 for BA in protestant pastoral theology for reformed candidates will take place between 15-17 September 2014.