2022. november 22-én a Kolozsvári Protestáns Teológiai Intézet dísztermében bemutatták Kató Szabolcs Ferencz: Amikor a kakas megszólal... című könyvét. A könyvet szakmai szempontból Éles Éva református lelkipásztor, a KPTI társult tanára, a DRHE doktorandusza értékelte.
Éles Éva
On November 22nd, 2022, in the Aula of the Protestant Theological Institute, Szabolcs Ferencz Kató's book titled "When the Rooster Crows..." was presented. The book was professionally reviewed by Éva Éles, a Reformed minister, associate staff at PTI, and a doctoral student at the Reformed Theological University of Debrecen.
În data de 22 noiembrie 2022, în sala Institutului Teologic Protestant din Cluj a avut loc prezentarea cărții Când cocoșul cântă... de Szabolcs Ferencz Kató. Cartea a fost evaluată profesional de Éva Éles, preot reformat, cadru didactic asociat la ITP și doctorand la Universitatea de Teologie Reformată din Debrecen.