Összes bejegyzés

Frissítés Cím
már 02 First Orientation: Short History of the Hermeneutics
már 02 Hermeneutics: Understanding and Interpretation Theory. Basic Notions and Problems
már 02 Concrete Precepts in the Ethical Teaching of Paul
már 02 The Ethics of Paul and the Ethics in the Ancient World
már 02 The Nature of the New Life in Christ
már 02 The Unity of the Motivations in the Theology of Paul
már 02 Pneumatological and Eschatological Motivations by Paul
már 02 Christological and Sacramental Motivations by Paul
már 02 Concrete Precepts in the Teaching of Jesus
már 02 The Concrete Aspects of the Commandment of Love
már 02 The Double Commandment of Love
már 02 Jesus’ Interpretation of the Law
már 02 Repentance and Total Obedience
már 02 Eschatology and Ethics
már 02 The Kingdom of God as the Basis of Jesus’ Ethics
már 02 Object, Purposes and Problems of the New Testament Ethics. Methodology
már 02 How to Write a Paper
már 02 The Use of Commentaries and Specific Literature (Monografies and Articles)
már 02 Historical, Cultural, Religious and Social Context
már 02 Synoptic Comparation
már 02 Sours Criticisme and Redaction Criticisme
már 02 Traditional Materials in the Text
már 02 Literary Types and Literary Forms (the Problem of Sitz im Leben)
már 02 Text Types: Narrative Text Type and Argimentative Text Type
már 02 Word Sense: Semantic Analysis
már 02 Linguistic Characteristics of the Text: Grammatical Analysis
már 02 The Identification of the Text: Internal Criteria (Transcriptional and Substantial Criteria)
már 02 The Identification of the Text: External Criteria (Manuscripts, Variants, Types, Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation)
már 01 Isten gyermeke és munkatársa
már 01 Szertartások
