“Let the Dead Bury Their Dead”. Jewish Funerary Customs and Matthew 8:21–22. Funerary customs are inseparable from the fifth commandment. They impose strict obligations on relatives, lasting until the end of a one-year period. The practice of ossilegium, that is, the collection of the bones of the deceased, marks the conclusion of this process. When decomposition completes its cycle, the deceased is “survived”. The buried individual finds comfort in the expiatory disintegration he/she undergoes.
„...hagyd, hogy a halottak eltemessék saját halottaikat!” Zsidó temetkezési szokások és a Mt 8,21–22
A Sefaria ingyenes hozzáférést kínál biblikus és poszt-biblikus zsidó szövegekhez, fordításokhoz és kommentárokhoz. A TaNaK mellett megtalálható itt a Misna, a Talmud, a Halacha, a Tosefta, számtalan midrás és a rabbinikus irodalom szellemi termékei eredeti változatban, illetve a legtöbb esetben angol (vagy más) fordításban.
Habacuc 2:4 este un text de o importanță majoră pentru teologia apostolului Pavel. Avem de-a face însă cu un text extrem de dificil (o constatare valabilă de altfel pentru întreaga carte a profetului Habacuc), iar traducerile – sau mai degrabă parafrazele – din edițiile de Biblie sau comentarii reprezintă doar variații interpretative ale textului ebraic. Acest studiu este dedicat impactului și interpretării lui Habacuc 2:4b, în special a conceptului credinței, pentru literatura teologică din epoca Reformei.
Habacuc 2:4 este un text de o importanță majoră pentru teologia apostolului Pavel. Avem de-a face însă cu un text extrem de dificil (o constatare valabilă de altfel pentru întreaga carte a profetului Habacuc), iar traducerile – sau mai degrabă parafrazele – din edițiile de Biblie sau comentarii reprezintă doar variații interpretative ale textului ebraic. Acest studiu este dedicat impactului și interpretării lui Habacuc 2:4b, în special a conceptului credinței, pentru literatura teologică din epoca Reformei.
Az ókori Izráel népe vallásilag és társadalmilag zárt tömbnek tekinthető, és a körülöttük élő népek, illetve a közötük lakozó idegenek és jövevények iránt tanúsítandó magatartásukat a Tóra és a többi ószövetségi könyv szabályozta, pontosabban azt, hogy mint választott népnek egyrészt milyen vonatkozásban kell elkülönülnie a pogány népektől, másrész pedig miben kell nyitottnak lennie irányukban.
The covenant of grace has long been exerting its effect particularly among the Jewish people. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ has brought a significant change in this situation. The covenant of grace has been widened so as to include the non-jewish people as well. In Ephesians 2:11-22 Paul talks about the breaking down of "the middle wall of partition". This lecture seeks to answer what that exactly means and what the consequences are of Paul's theological view. What had been the situation before and in what sense has it changed after the wall has fallen down?
The covenant of grace has long been exerting its effect particularly among the Jewish people. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ has brought a significant change in this situation. The covenant of grace has been widened so as to include the non-jewish people as well. In Ephesians 2:11-22 Paul talks about the breaking down of "the middle wall of partition". This lecture seeks to answer what that exactly means and what the consequences are of Paul's theological view. What had been the situation before and in what sense has it changed after the wall has fallen down?
